If you are looking for an applesauce recipe without added sugar or sweeteners yet still highly flavorful, I’ve got a gem of easy recipes to follow. The end result is slightly…
Teriyaki Rice Bowl – Gluten-free Entree
My kids have never been adventurous eaters. Granted, they are now better than they used to be, but their palettes are still limited for twenty-somethings. As the kids were growing…
Self-care Isn’t Social Media
Self-care can look like many different things- taking care of your body, making a healthy meal, doing a craft project, or reading a book. What it’s not- scrolling social media…
What are your values?
Last month in the Refocus On Wellness group, we talked about values. I had the folks attending choose three values from the list I displayed on the screen and write their…
Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Calm Your Nervous System
Are you noticing that noise feels louder than usual? Do you find yourself feeling agitated, anxious, or uneasy in places that never used to bother you? You’re not alone. What…
Chickpea Quesadilla
Trying to eat a more plant-based diet? This vegetation recipe can easily be converted to vegan and will easily satisfy your meat-loving friends and family. My kids have never been…