Some people love headstands for the inversion. The benefits of being upside down are vast, but many like the rewiring of your brain that takes place while your body and brain readjust to being flipped. It forces your body to slow down your breath and blood pressure.
I love to add an additional core challenge to a headstand. Taking my time and going extremely slow allows me the opportunity to really feel what muscles are firing on to create the shape I am looking to make with my body.

Only try this if you are comfortable with your tripod headstand! Meaning that you can stay in it for several breaths without assistance or falling.
Set yourself up in a tripod headstand. But before taking the legs to the sky, create what I like to call an “egg shape” with your body= bringing the knees to the chest and holding the shape. Extend one leg straight out in front of you and keep the other leg bent, as shown in the picture. Slowly lower the toes of the straight leg down toward the ground but don’t touch the ground hover, and now slowly bring it back to the starting position. Repeat this several times before switching legs. It’s imperative to go slowly and focus on your breathing while maintaining the core being engaged.