We are in the home stretch of the presidential election, and if you are like me, your desire to put your head in the sand and tune out the world…
Prioritize Your Well-being
Self-care is not selfish. It’s essential for your mental and physical well-being. Taking care of yourself can help you manage stress, boost your mood, and improve your overall health. Here…
Before you sign up for yoga teacher training…
This is what the program instructors won’t teach you. I absolutely love what I do! I teach yoga, pilates, and personal training. I have a private coaching practice helping women…
When You Feel Stuck in Life – Prioritize Yourself!
We have all been through some version of feeling the blahs, whether about our job, the house we live in, or the person we are dating. It often begins with…
Burn It to the Ground
This week, in the Refocus on Wellness group, I asked the question, “What needs to be burned to the ground to make space for something new?” Everyone who attended took…