Bee Yoga Fusion (BYF) is my first exposure to practicing yoga in a real yoga studio. I had tried yoga a few times before, but always in a crowded gymnasium room with limited instruction. I left these classes feeling confused and decided that yoga was not for me. Earlier this year, I decided to try giving yoga another chance and signed up for an all-levels Community Yoga class at BYF. Attending that first yoga class at Gretchen’s studio has shifted how I view yoga. Rather than being afraid to roll out my mat (because I have no idea what I’m doing), I look forward to each class because Gretchen provides verbal instruction that really helps me understand how to get into the poses. BYF is a small space, which allows Gretchen to give individual corrections on poses and allows her to gauge the room to offer modifications according to ability levels in each class. Now, rather than feeling like I don’t know what I’m doing, I feel like a student who is learning how to improve my yoga practice. More importantly, I’m not afraid that I will injure myself because Gretchen keeps a close eye on everyone. Finally, a note about Gretchen’s character. Gretchen is more than a great instructor; she’s welcoming, funny, honest, open, and maybe a little raw, in that you feel that wherever Gretchen is on her journey, she’s sharing it with her yoga practice. Come try a class; you won’t be sorry.