First, let me say that I am not a doctor. I don’t even play one on TV. I’m a yoga teacher, but for many, many years, I have had a secret fascination with vitamins and supplements.

Last night before a yoga class, several students and I were discussing vitamins and supplements. And one student in particular remarked that right when she turned 40 years old, it seemed as though everything changed in her body, she feels achier, and her knees suddenly are creaking. I turned 40 this year, and though I haven’t noticed massive shifts in how my body feels, I have seen subtle ones. For example, I need to warm up and stretch now before teaching yoga classes, whereas before I could jump out of my car and teach a class offering students random demos of poses. But now, suddenly, after turning 40 years old, I need to stretch before I teach, or else parts of my body pop and crack when I try to demo a pose to a student.
On intake forms for doctor’s offices, there is often not enough room for me to list everything that I take. And as the doctor goes over the form with me before the appointment, notoriously, his/her eyes widen and remark with a, “Wow! That’s impressive.” I prefer not to take prescription drugs for any reason if I can help it. But vitamins and supplements are different, in my opinion.
In the yoga class last night, I was asked what I take, and I listed them all, counting on my fingers as I went along. Then several students asked if I would post it on social media so they could reference it later. First, I highly recommend buying this book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements. Educate yourself on what your body needs and what your diet and lifestyle lacks. Don’t just take what I am taking. Find out why it would work for you or how it could interfere with the medications you are taking. It’s your body. Learn how to allow it to function properly with vitamins and supplements.
Also, I want to point out that I do not make any money or kickbacks or receive anything in return for recommending these products. This is simply what I am taking right now, and the website which I have found that has excellent customer service, and reasonable prices is Lucky Vitamin.
- Rainbow Light – Gummy Vitamin C Slices Tangy Tangerine Flavor 250 mg. – 90 Gummies (I have kids, so the gummies are what works for our entire family right now. And though I think my children are brilliant and adorable, they are also little germ factories, and we all need extra vitamin C to combat that.)
- Rainbow Light – Probiolicious Gummies Cranberry – 50 Gummies (Again, the gummies are what works for our family. Probiotics create a healthy gut.)
- Doctor’s Best – High Absorption CoQ10 100 mg. – 120 Softgels (For healthy blood and heart and a little extra boost of energy.)
- Natrol – Melatonin Liquid 2.5 mg. – 8 oz. (I only take 1mg per evening. I’m not following the bottle’s recommendation per serving. This helps with going to sleep.)
- Natural Vitality – Natural Calm Anti-Stress Drink Raspberry Lemon Flavor – 16 oz. (I live by this stuff. I’ve been taking it every night for the past 13 years! It’s a combination of magnesium and calcium you drink at nighttime that everybody most likely needs.)
- Source Naturals – Vitamin D3 1000 IU – 100 Tablets (My doctor recently tested my Vitamin D levels during a simple blood test and discovered that I am deficient. She said that most people are since we aren’t getting UV rays from the sun because of SPF. Ask your doctor to check your levels!)
- Source Naturals – MethylCobalamin Vitamin B12 Sublingual Cherry 5 mg. – 60 Tablets (Goes along with my iron supplement to help absorb iron into my body.)
- Source Naturals- Iron 25mg (I couldn’t find this on the Lucky Vitamin website, but I have to take additional iron because I am anemic.)
- Nature’s Way – Alive Multi-Vitamin Whole Food Energizer No Iron Added – 180 Tablets (The one thing we should all take!)