I strongly believe that yoga should be accessible to all people. Sadly yoga has often been marketed to skinny white women, leaving out a vast array of the population who could benefit from the many gifts of yoga including people with visual impairments. At Bee Yoga Fusion, everyone is welcome. Whatever your age, skin color, body size, gender identification, ability, or political affiliation…..you are welcome to take any class at the Bee Yoga Fusion studio.
I’ve enjoyed teaching yoga to a visually impaired student in our community. Having her in class has made me a better teacher. I’m relying more on my words than on physically showing the class the pose. My verbal cues have become stronger and more direct, and my confidence in my ability to teach to a broader demographic has soared.

This yoga student is having the opportunity to experience yoga as any sighted person would, she is physically capable of doing the class, and there is no reason why she shouldn’t be in an all-levels yoga flow class. Being in the class with other sighted yogis has built her confidence and allowed her to feel the world differently.
“I’m still fascinated by how my body can move and support me in different ways. What I feel in my body is starting to take a visual shape in my head, something that feels more like beauty and strength.”
Yoga teachers, I encourage you to step out of your box and try teaching to a different demographic, allowing your practice to expand and reach further out and influence more people waiting for your direction.