When you want to get together with friends but are tired of always going to a restaurant, try moving in a different direction.

These three friends used to work together in the same office, and as often happens, someone transferred to a different opportunity. But the three friends still want to remain close even though they no longer see each other every day. They have decided to enjoy experiences together rather than food.
As a health and life coach, I LOVE this idea! They came to the Soulful Yoga Flow yoga class on Sunday morning and then walked around the farmer’s market in Greenbelt, picking up fresh produce and chatting.
It’s so important to have these types of relationships in our lives. People who support our healthy lifestyle and the journey we strive to be on, and they want to be a part of our lives in sometimes untraditional ways. I’ve taken a cooking class with a friend, a plant propagating workshop, and even a painting class. There are many ways to connect without deciding on a restaurant to go to where everyone’s diets can be accommodated.
Sometimes we have to think outside of the box, try something new, or do what you normally would do on the weekend, like taking a yoga class but inviting a friend along to join you. Accountability is a major part of living a healthy lifestyle. Surround yourself with people who support that.