This 20-minute At-Home Workout program with Gretchen Schock is precisely what you’ve been looking for!
Whether you are a beginner, someone returning to fitness after a hiatus, or looking for a new challenge, the diverse set of exercises each week can be adapted to your needs.
A Whole Body Workout in 20 minutes!
5 days of unique exercises – No Repeats!
This workout program is designed to be done five times a week, with two days off.
The main workout will be done in a circuit-style format with a 1-minute timer. Six exercises will be performed three times. You will set a timer and do the first exercise for 1-minute, then count to 10. Move on to the second exercise and do it for 1 minute, then count to 10. Repeat until you completed all six exercises. This is one complete circuit. You will do a total of three circuits for a twenty-minute workout. A printable PDF workout planner outlining the workouts for the week guides you on your journey.

Before you begin, watch the videos explaining each exercise with modifications for the many stages of fitness abilities. Then, use your PDF workout planner to do your workout, whether at home or take it with you to the gym.
Revitalize your body but also rejuvenate your spirit.
This personalized at-home workout program is designed with you in mind—crafted explicitly for individuals in the middle stages of life who are eager to embark on a journey to improved health and well-being.