I am so excited to share with you that Bee Yoga Fusion is expanding into additional space in its 15th year of operation. I have secured the suite next to the current yoga studio, and within the new space will be the fitness studio/ gym, as well as the group coaching/community room and a room dedicated to filming content for digital courses.

I am overwhelmed with JOY about this growth. It has felt needed for quite a while as my personal training client list has expanded, and pulling all the gym supplies in and out of the locker room several times a day has become quite strenuous.
Right now, I am still painting and getting the space ready for classes and coaching groups to begin. I’ve had a few hiccups along the way that I could not resist sharing with you. Now that it’s behind me, I can laugh about it, but when it was happening, it was quite stressful.
The previous tenant abandoned their belongings and failed to pay rent. During my negotiations with the landlord regarding my pricing for the new space, I agreed to donate what they left behind. I said this sight unseen—BIG MISTAKE!
I packaged up all their stuff and was ready to donate it to a local church for their rummage sale. Then the previous tenant reached out via text and said they wanted their stuff. So we coordinated calendars, and they moved it out. But this is what it looked like before they came to pick it up.

After the room was clear I was able to begin painting, hanging wallpaper, and deep cleaning. But then I got a surprise. One day while hanging wallpaper, I heard something in the drop ceiling. I banged on it, and sure enough, I could hear movement. I took a hammer and created a hole in the ceiling tile, as it was too heavy to remove the entire tile. SURPRISE! It’s a bird’s nest in the actual ceiling!!!

Again, I can laugh about it now, but at the moment, I was ready to cry. I evicted the bird, sealed up the hole, hung new ceiling tiles, and could continue on my journey of getting the space ready for all of you. Once everything is actually finished I will post pictures of what the space looks like.
My hope is that in May, small group personal training classes and private client sessions will be held in the gym. Coaching groups will begin this summer and into the fall. Stay tuned!